Pittsfield Parks & Rec
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Parks & Recreation Committee

There shall be a Parks and Recreation Committee, which shall have the responsibility for supervision, administration, maintenance, and improvement of town owned parks and recreational program offerings. They shall liaise with the Manson Park Trust Committee on all points of interaction between town recreational programming and activities involving the utilization of Mary Ann Lancey Manson Park. The committee shall also act in an advisory capacity to the Recreation Director, assisting with the development, coordination, communication and decision making on town recreational programming.  The Committee shall be appointed by the Town Council.  Initial appointments shall be as follows:  three members for three years; two members for two years; and two members for one year.  All reappointments shall be for a period of three years (unless an appointment is made to complete a term of a member who has resigned; in which case it shall be for the remainder of the term). The committee will report annually (at minimum) to the Town Council on all items under their charge including but not limited to improvements, maintenance, outstanding capital improvement needs, utilization, issues, and vision for the coming year. Below describes the minimum areas of focus and responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Committee.
The committee shall prepare and maintain a master plan for the maintenance, utilization, enhancements to and expansion of all town parks and present it to the Council for approval. The Committee shall assist with planning, execution and/or administration of said plans approved by the Council as required. The committee shall develop and maintain a Standards of Use Policy for each of the major town owned parks by any and all community members and/or third party groups, to be presented and approved by the Town Council and shall coordinate and oversee usage of said parks and their facilities by any said third party groups. The committee shall also coordinate with Manson Park Trust Committee on supervision, administration, maintenance, improvements, and utilization of Mary Ann Lancey Manson Park for any/all community related functions or recreational offerings.
Recreational Activities and Programming
The Committee’s responsibilities shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
  • Assist the Town Manager with oversite of the Recreation Director position, including but not limited to reviewing and maintaining of job description and requirements, participating in the interview process during any personnel changes, participation in regular performance reviews, liaising on day-to-day recreational issues,.
  • Work with recreation Director to develop and maintain recreational programming offerings (not limited to just sports)
  • Work with Recreation Director on program content, scheduling, logistics, fees, and similar items.
  • Support Recreation Director in liaising with MSAD #53, Maine Central Institute and other third parties on programming, facility/grounds usage, scheduling and other related items
  • Work with Recreation Director with development and maintenance of Town Recreation Program communication standards and tools (including any web page, social media page, mobile application, shared calendar, or other such communication technology)
Support Recreation Director as needed concerning any conflicts in programming or community participation (including but not limited to items related to coaching, facilities, or participant/parent/family items of concern)
Paul E. Bertrand Municipal Pool
The Committee’s responsibilities shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
    • Promote recreational swimming and water safety
    • Promote the provision of a healthy and safe swimming facility
    • Assist in developing and/or revising procedures that promote standards for safe, quality programming and facility use
    • Make recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Committee to bring to the Town Council and Town Manager for needed capital improvements
    • Assist in seeking funding sources for capital expenditures from local, state, and federal organizations


Sarah Dimartino


Ben Hall
E: bhalla313@gmail.com


Jennifer Saucier


Lindsay Holmstrom


Jeremy Fehnel


Elizabeth Ross


Devon Varney

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